

is an Irish artist living and working in the Wicklow hills, who paints mainly in oils on silver leaf on canvas. He has exhibited in Ireland, the USA, Europe and Abu Dhabi over a 50 year career.




Walks of Wicklow 1






Walks of Wicklow 2




Can You Keep a Secret

80 x 80cm oils on leaf on canvas




Walks of Wicklow 3






In Going Twice Around a Tree

On the Way Home - Sunday

70 x 90cm oils on leaf on canvas



In This Moment

70 x 90cm oils on leaf on canvas



Symmetry, Infinity, Randomness


What Makes a Problem Hard







The Boggy Way Back

70 x 90cm oils on leaf on canvas



A Wise Old Tree


14 Nocturnes painted in a time of healing







In Mushroom Season




Spring Weather in Western Skies

90 x 70cm oils on leaf on canvas











Wet Heather

90 x 70cm oils on leaf on canvas








Time Held Me Green

50 x 70cm oils on leaf on canvas